Welcome to Pani K's website!
Dear Grade Four Families,
I am truly delighted to be your child's teacher this year!! I hope that you enjoyed your summer holidays and that your children are prepared to transition from primary into intermediate grades.
Fourth grade is a year of opportunities for great academic growth. Fourth graders are expected to assume more responsibility for their learning and work independently for longer periods of time.
In September, we will spend some time on setting criteria for expected behaviour as well as setting goals and criteria for school work. This way your children will develop a clear understanding of what is expected of them in the classroom and within our school community. We will also work on creating and maintaining a positive classroom environment, which is essential to learning.
Fall Themes
In the fall our class will be exploring animals and their habitats, including wetlands and forests. In language Arts, we will be exploring several genres that involve animals, including legends, poems, and tales. We will also be reviewing short and long vowel patterns in reading and writing.
At home, please encourage your child to read daily for at least 20 minutes. Home reading log will go home in September. In grade four, students are required to keep their home reading logs in their backpacks at all times, and they need to be handed in every Monday. Starting next week, word hunts and other reading projects will be included in the reading logs. Please check your child’s home reading log regularly.
This year students will participate in biweekly spelling/word study program with a spelling test every Monday . They will have their first spelling test the following Monday .
In math, your child will be bringing home monthly calendars for homework. Choose 3-4 activities per week and record them on the attached pages. Math calendars should be returned to the class at the end of each month. September math calendar is due on October 1st.
Student Planners
Student planners will be the primary means of communication between our classroom and your home. Please check and sign them nightly. Your children will record homework, due dates, and upcoming events in the agenda. Student planners will not only serve as a reminder of homework and special events, but also as a communication tool between the teacher and the parents, and a way to develop your child’s organizational skills. If you have any concerns, or simply want to notify me of something, please write it in the planners and I will respond back to your note. Please send your child to school each day with his/her agenda signed by you.
When weather permits, P.E. classes will be led outside. Please encourage your child to dress for the weather every day.
Lunches and Snacks
Happy Thought School is “Allergy Aware”. In our classroom we have students that are allergic to all nuts (peanuts, tree nuts,), mango nut, and fish. Also, students are asked to refrain from bringing any products to school containing traces of these ingredients. Students are also encouraged NOT to share food with classmates to reduce the risk of others eating “unsafe foods” and for pandemic related reasons.
Students are asked to bring water bottles to school that have been filled at home. There are water-filling stations available, if needed. Water fountains will not be accessible at this time.